Holocaust Memorial


Museu do Holocausto, Curitiba, Brazil


22 relief plaques

Installed in a courtyard of contemplation adjacent to a quote by Anne Frank, "Apesar de tudo, ainda acredito na bondade humana." "Despite everything, I still believe in human kindness."

Photo Credit: https://www.museudoholocausto.org.br/

Holocaust Memorial


Museu do Holocausto, Curitiba, Brazil


22 relief plaques

Installed in a courtyard of contemplation adjacent to a quote by Anne Frank, "Apesar de tudo, ainda acredito na bondade humana." "Despite everything, I still believe in human kindness."

Photo Credit: https://www.museudoholocausto.org.br/

Holocaust Memorial


Museu do Holocausto, Curitiba, Brazil


22 relief plaques

Installed in a courtyard of contemplation adjacent to a quote by Anne Frank, "Apesar de tudo, ainda acredito na bondade humana." "Despite everything, I still believe in human kindness."

Photo Credit: https://www.museudoholocausto.org.br/

Holocaust Memorial


Museu do Holocausto, Curitiba, Brazil


22 relief plaques

Installed in a courtyard of contemplation adjacent to a quote by Anne Frank, "Apesar de tudo, ainda acredito na bondade humana." "Despite everything, I still believe in human kindness."

Photo Credit: https://www.museudoholocausto.org.br/

Holocaust Memorial


Museu do Holocausto, Curitiba, Brazil


22 relief plaques

Installed in a courtyard of contemplation adjacent to a quote by Anne Frank, "Apesar de tudo, ainda acredito na bondade humana." "Despite everything, I still believe in human kindness."

Photo Credit: https://www.museudoholocausto.org.br/

Holocaust Memorial


Museu do Holocausto, Curitiba, Brazil


22 relief plaques

Installed in a courtyard of contemplation adjacent to a quote by Anne Frank, "Apesar de tudo, ainda acredito na bondade humana." "Despite everything, I still believe in human kindness."

Photo Credit: https://www.museudoholocausto.org.br/